January 2016 - Still reveling in our ProgDay experience, the band took somewhat of a hiatus for the holidays, and is now back rehearsing regularly and working on new tunes. We're keeping our eye out for gigging opportunities and hope to have some shows for you in the near future.
Eccentricity measures the deviation of the Earth's orbit from a circular orbit. It ranges from 0 for a circular orbit at 1 in a highly elliptical orbit. But the eccentricity of Earth's orbit varies between 0 and 0.06 for every 100 000 years. Image: The eccentricity, obliquity and precession are used within the astronomical theory of paleoclimate. The eccentricity of Earth's orbit is very small, so Earth's orbit is nearly circular. Earth's orbital eccentricity is less than 0.02. The orbit of Pluto is the most eccentric of any planet in our Solar System. Pluto's orbital eccentricity is almost 0.25. The orbital eccentricity (or eccentricity) is a measure of how much an elliptical orbit is ‘squashed'. It is one of the orbital elements that must be specified in order to completely define the shape and orientation of an elliptical orbit.
September 2015 - ProgDay 2015 - Check out some photos and this cool video of one of our tunes, courtesy of Captain Phil. Check out Phil's radio show at WUSB.
September 2015 - ProgDay 2015 - Eccentric Orbit opened the 8-band, 2-day ProdDay slate in Chapel Hill, NC in 2015. We had a real blast playing and we want to thank all the the other bands, fans that turned out to support us all, and also the organizers of ProgDay for having us and for putting on a fabulous event.
June 6, 2015
Eccentric Orbit Band
- Eccentric Orbit will invade Chapel Hill, NC! We are one of the first bands to be announced for this year's ProgDay Festival, held over Labor Day weekend. Check out the detailsand get your tickets to all the ProgDay music and festivities.Ut Gret was also announced this week. Stay tuned to the ProgDay website for more announcements as the show takes shape.Eccentric Orbit
January 17, 2015 - Eccentric Orbit will perform live at the Regent Theater in Arlington, MA. It's a full day of Prog produced by NewEARS. EO goes on at 7p. It's going to be a great show!Details and Tickets here.
January 2015 - 'Creation of the Humanoids' is #10 Album of 2015 on The Rickter Scale's top 15!
January 2015 - 'Creation of the Humanoids' is Album of the Month on NEWEars!January 2016 - Still reveling in our ProgDay experience, the band took somewhat of a hiatus for the holidays, and is now back rehearsing regularly and working on new tunes. We're keeping our eye out for gigging opportunities and hope to have some shows for you in the near future.
Eccentricity measures the deviation of the Earth's orbit from a circular orbit. It ranges from 0 for a circular orbit at 1 in a highly elliptical orbit. But the eccentricity of Earth's orbit varies between 0 and 0.06 for every 100 000 years. Image: The eccentricity, obliquity and precession are used within the astronomical theory of paleoclimate. The eccentricity of Earth's orbit is very small, so Earth's orbit is nearly circular. Earth's orbital eccentricity is less than 0.02. The orbit of Pluto is the most eccentric of any planet in our Solar System. Pluto's orbital eccentricity is almost 0.25. The orbital eccentricity (or eccentricity) is a measure of how much an elliptical orbit is ‘squashed'. It is one of the orbital elements that must be specified in order to completely define the shape and orientation of an elliptical orbit.
September 2015 - ProgDay 2015 - Check out some photos and this cool video of one of our tunes, courtesy of Captain Phil. Check out Phil's radio show at WUSB.
September 2015 - ProgDay 2015 - Eccentric Orbit opened the 8-band, 2-day ProdDay slate in Chapel Hill, NC in 2015. We had a real blast playing and we want to thank all the the other bands, fans that turned out to support us all, and also the organizers of ProgDay for having us and for putting on a fabulous event.
June 6, 2015
Eccentric Orbit Band
- Eccentric Orbit will invade Chapel Hill, NC! We are one of the first bands to be announced for this year's ProgDay Festival, held over Labor Day weekend. Check out the detailsand get your tickets to all the ProgDay music and festivities.Ut Gret was also announced this week. Stay tuned to the ProgDay website for more announcements as the show takes shape.Eccentric Orbit
January 17, 2015 - Eccentric Orbit will perform live at the Regent Theater in Arlington, MA. It's a full day of Prog produced by NewEARS. EO goes on at 7p. It's going to be a great show!Details and Tickets here.
January 2015 - 'Creation of the Humanoids' is #10 Album of 2015 on The Rickter Scale's top 15!
January 2015 - 'Creation of the Humanoids' is Album of the Month on NEWEars!In the early 1990s, Motorola, the legendary American company, made a huge gamble on a revolutionary satellite telephone system called Iridium. Light-years ahead of anything previously put into space, and built on technology developed for Ronald Reagan's 'Star Wars,' Iridium's constellation of sixty-six satellites in six evenly spaced orbital planes meant that at least one satellite was always overhead, and you could call Tibet from Fiji without a delay and without your call ever touching a wire.
Iridium was a mind-boggling technical accomplishment, surely the future of communication. The only problem was that Iridium was also a commercial disaster. Only months after launching service, it was $11 billion in debt, burning through $100 million a month and bringing in almost no revenue. Bankruptcy was inevitable—the largest to that point in American history. It looked like Iridium would go down as just a 'science experiment.'
Eccentric Orbit Book
That is, until Dan Colussy got a wild idea. Colussy, a former CEO of Pan Am now retired and working on his golf game, heard about Motorola's plans to 'de-orbit' the system and decided he would buy Iridium and somehow turn around one of the biggest blunders in the history of business.
High Eccentric Orbit
Eccentric Orbits masterfully traces the birth of Iridium and Colussy's tireless efforts to stop it from being destroyed, from meetings with his motley investor group, to the Clinton White House, to the Pentagon, to the hunt for customers in special ops, shipping, aviation, mining, search and rescue—anyone who would need a durable phone at the end of Earth. Impeccably researched and wonderfully told, Eccentric Orbits is a rollicking, unforgettable tale of technological achievement, business failure, the military-industrial complex, and one of the greatest deals of all time.